Renewable Energy Revenues Summit

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Taking place on the 22nd & 23rd May, the Renewable Energy Revenues Summit will bridge the gap between off-takers, generators, asset owners and financiers. During this summit, attendees will gain insights into: 

  • Mitigating various risks, including regulatory, credit, profile, volume, and imbalance, when structuring PPAs Pricing PPAs amidst uncertain macroeconomic conditions, regulatory changes, and a volatile renewable energy wholesale market 
  • Extracting value from renewable energy certificates incorporated in PPAs 
  • Effective hedging strategies for trading renewable energy across diverse power markets 
  • Utilizing the latest data and modelling techniques to enhance PPAs and power trading 
  • Structuring PPAs tailored to specific low carbon energy technologies, such as wind, solar, batteries, green hydrogen and electric vehicles 
  • Building a proficient energy procurement and trading team to bolster certainty in renewable energy trading 

Bankers for Net Zero are a proud partner of the event.

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