A common language for sustainability – ensuring the whole market works together

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Naomi Kerbel from SEC Newgate will moderate a discussion between David Marriage, Head of Disruption & Innovation for Sustainability, PwC and Rob Gardner, Director of Investment & Rewired.earth Board Member.

The event will be live streamed on LinkedIn and can be viewed here.

During the discussion they’ll explore 5 key questions that need answering, if we’re going to accelerate our transition to net zero:

  • Why do we need to think differently about ESG solutions and partnerships?
  • How can we give everyone a voice to drive a clear demand signal across the market?
  • What does designing an interconnected market solution look like and where are we today?
  • Why is the bankers for net zero programme so important for providing the power of an open, common data and reporting approach
  • What practical next steps will you be looking to drive post COP27?
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